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讲座题目: Hitting academic homeruns: Publishing in top tier journals

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2018-12-17

讲座题目: Hitting academic homeruns: Publishing in top tier journals

报告人: Prof. Katleen De Stobbeleir   Vlerick Business School, Belgium

讲座时间:2018年12月20日星期四上午:9:00 - 11:00


讲座内容:We all dream ofpublishing our research in some of the field’s top tier journals, but we alsorealize how challenging this sometimes may be. In this presentation, Prof DeStobbeleir shares her personal learnings from having spent 1,5 years in the US,working with some of the top scholars in the field (Sue Ashford, GretchenSpreitzer, Karl Weick, etc). She will focus on those learnings that you willnot find in editorials or doctoral courses.

学者简介:Katleen DeStobbeleir,2001年硕士毕业于比利时根特大学(University of Ghent)。2006至2007年在密歇根大学罗斯商学院进行为期一年的访问,导师为Susan J. Ashford。2008年博士毕业于根特大学。现为弗拉瑞克商学院副教授,鲁汶大学助理教授。主要研究方向为组织行为, 领导力,团队动力,反馈寻求行为和创造力,是Journal ofOccupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Management, HumanPerformance, Human Relations, Journal of OrganizationalBehavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Dynamics, Journal of Business& Psychology等期刊的审稿人,多数文章发表在国际知名期刊上,如Academy ofManagement Journal,Human Relations,Human Resource Management Review, Journal of organizational behavior, Journalof Occupational and Organizational Psychology等。