1.陕西省第十五次哲学社会科学优秀成果论文奖二等:改进的哈里斯鹰优化算法及特征选择(Boosted binary Harris hawks optimizer and feature selection),2022
2.陕西省科技进步二等奖:风险环境下的项目前摄性/反应性调度理论及其应用研究 ,2021
8.国家教育部,新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2009
代 表 性 文 章:
1. Zheng, J., Liu, R., Zhang, R., & Xu, H. (2022). How do firms use virtual brand communities to improve innovation performance? Based on consumer participation and organizational learning perspectives. European Journal of Innovation Management, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-06-2022-0313. (SSCI,JCR 2区,ABS 2,影响因子4.75).
2. Zheng Jian, Liu Renjing, Yang Lanjun. (2022). Influencing Factors of Employee Turnover Based on Rand Forest and DEMATEL Method: Evidence from the Qinghai Electric Power Company in China. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2022.(SCI)
3. Zheng, J., Liu, R., Zhong, X., & Zhang, R.. Web of science-based virtual brand communities: a bibliometric review between 2000 and 2020. Internet Research, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-11-2021-0800. (SCI/SSCI,JCR 1区,影响因子6.77).
4. Zheng Jian, Liu Renjing, Yang Lanjun. Research on the impact of virtual brand community innovation system on enterprise innovation performance based on System dynamics. Business & Information Systems Engineering.2020
5. Zheng Jian, Liu Renjing, Yang Lanjun. Incentive mechanism of users' knowledge contribution behavior in virtual communities: a tripartite evolutionary game model. Journal of Knowledge Management.2020
6. Towards augmented kernel extreme learning models for bankruptcy prediction: Algorithmic behavior and comprehensive analysis, Neurocomputing, 430: 185-212 Yanan Zhang; Renjing Liu; Ali Asghar Heidari; Xin Wang 2021 SSCI
7. Should knowledge be distorted? Managers' knowledge distortion strategies and organizational learning in different environments, The Leadership Quarterly, 32(3): 161-177 Dong, Jiamin; Liu, Renjing; Qiu, Yu; Crossan, Mary 2021 SSCI
8. Boosted binary Harris hawks optimizer and feature selection; ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS;37: 3741-3770. Zhang, YN; Liu, R; Wang, X; Chen, HL; Li, CY 2020 SCI
9. Multi-classification assessment of bank personal credit risk based on multi-source information fusion, Expert Systems with Applications, 191: 1-15 Tianhui Wang; Renjing Liu; Guohua Qi 2022SCI
10. Tian M, Liu R J, Zhang G J. Solving the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem with an improved critical chain method[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019: 1-16.
11. Tian Min, Liu Renjing, Dong Jiamin, Wan Xiaobo. Robust Optimization of the citical chain resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem [J]. Applied soft computing. 2019, with editor.
12. How to Manage Individual Forgetting: Analysis and Comparison of Different Knowledge Management Strategies; JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION; 22(4): 1-12. Yan, Jie; Liu, Renjing; He, Zhengwen; Wan, Xiaobo,2019 SSCI
13. Information sharing in two-tier supply chains considering cost reduction effort and information leakage; Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization; 19(1): 645-674. Li XM; Liu RJ; Hu ZQ; Dong JM2022 SCI
14. CREDIT RISK ASSESSMENT OF BANKS' LOAN ENTERPRISE CUSTOMER BASED ON STATE-CONSTRAInT Liu, Renjing; Yang, Xuming; Dong, XInyu; Sun, Boyang Computing and Informatics Liu, RJ (corresponding author), Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Management, 28 Xianning West Rd, Xian, Peoples R ChIna. "正式刊出, 2021, 卷:40; 期:1页码:145-168
15. Trust transfer in social media brand communities: The role of consumer engagement Liu, LL (Liu, Linlin)[ 1,2 ] ; Lee, MKO (Lee, Matthew K. O.)[ 2 ] ; Liu, RJ (Liu, Renjing)[ 1 ] ; Chen, JW (Chen, Jiawen)[ 3 ] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT,2021
16. Solving the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem with an improved critical chain method; JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY; 71:1243-1258 Min Tian, Ren Jing Liu, Guang Jun Zhang2020 SCI
17. Original Music Album Diffusion Sustainability in Social Network-Based Communities: A Network Embedded Perspective ,IEEE ACCESS卷: 8 页: 53107-53115 Li, GQ (Li, Genqiang); Liu, RJ (Liu, Renjing) 2020 SCI
18. Trust transfer in social media brand communities: The role of consumer engagement;41;1-13. Linlin Liu, Matthew K.O. Lee, Renjing Liu, Jiawen Chen 2019 SSCI
19. When will consumers be ready? A psychological perspective on consumer engagement in social media brand communities; INTERNET RESEARCH; 29(4): 704-724. Liu, Linlin; Liu, Renjing; Lee, Matthew; Chen, Jiawen 2019 SCI、SSCI
20. Individual Bias and Organizational Objectivity: An Agent-Based Simulation[J]. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2014, 17(2). (SSCI: 000339120200006)
21. A model for consumer knowledge contribution behaviour: The roles of host firm management practices, technology effectiveness, and social capital. Information Technology & Management, 2014, 15: 255-270. (SSCI,研究生院认定的管理类国际知名期刊)
22. Individual Irrationality, network structure, and collective intelligence:an agent-based simulation approach[J]. Complexity. (SCI)
23. An approach for moving object recognition based on BPR and CI
Information Systems Frontiers, 12(2), pp 141-148, 2010/4. 期刊论文, EI, SCI, 0. 9120(2011)
24. Architecture, implementation and application of complex event processing in enterprise information systems based on RFID,Information Systems Frontiers, 10(5), pp 543-553, 期刊论文, EI, SCI, 0. 9120(2011)
25. Metaheuristics for multi-mode capital-constrained project payment scheduling ,European Journal of Operational Research, 223(3), pp 605-613, 2012/12/16. 期刊论文, SCI, 1. 815(2011)
26. Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Analysis on the Investment Game of R&D Activities of Asymmetry Firms ,5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008/10/18-2008/10/20, pp 595-601, Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2008. SSCI
27. The Research of Decision Model for Toll Stations, Journal of System Science and Information[J],UK,2006,Vol.4(2),pp.681-690。
28. PROJECT PAYMENT SCHEDULING: A CASE STUDY,38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2008/10/31-2008/11/2, pp 2487-2496, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2008. SSCI
29. Study on the game of payment distribution mode about AVEs,International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, 2006/4/24-2006/4/26, pp 735-738, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2006.
30. Extended enterprise information sharing in a supply chain environment based on symbiosis theory ,International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, 2006/4/24-2006/4/26, pp 635-642, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2006. SSCI
31. Negotiations with incomplete information,International Transactions In Operation Research[J], Vol.8,No.6,November,2006, pp.693-707(SCI检索)
32. The implication of dissipative structure theory to enterprise information system ,International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, 2006/4/24-2006/4/26, pp 705-710, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2006.SSCI
33. The Study of Information Integration in EIS Based On Grid, IFIP Transaction, Springer Co. 2006.pp.729-734.(ISTP检索).
34. Study on the Mode of Payment Distribution about AVES, Journal of System Science and Information[J],UK,2008.Vol.4(3),pp.547-553。
35. The moving competitive advantage of enterprises: Seituation advantage ,International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, 2006/4/24-2006/4/26, pp 729-734, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2006.SSCI
36. Rent-seekong Game Analysis about Suppliers and agents in Government Procuerment.Journal of System Science and Information[J],UK,2007.Vol.5(1),pp1-6。
37. Study on the model for water resources level pricing based on information integration ,IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006/10/8-2006/10/11, pp 4699-4702, Taipei, TAIWAN, 2006.SSCI
38. How does mHealth service quality influences adoption? Li, Yi; Liu, Renjing; Wang, Jinbo; Zhao, Tong Industrial Management and Data Systems Li, Y,Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Management, Xian, Peoples R China. "正式刊出,MAR 15,卷:122; 期:3,页码:774-795
39. Web of science-based virtual brand communities: a bibliometric review between 2000 and 2020 Zheng, Jian; Liu, Renjing; Zhong, Xingju; Zhang, Ru Internet Research Zheng, J,Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Management, Xian, Peoples R China. MAY 2022
40. How do firms use virtual brand communities to improve innovation performance? Based on consumer participation and organizational learning perspectives Zheng, Jian; Liu, Renjing; Zhang, Ru; Xu, Hao European Journal of Innovation Management Zheng, J,SEP 2022
41. 个体知识遗忘对组织创新绩效的影响——双元创新与人员流动的调节作用 孙雯;刘人境; 管理评论 "2022-03 正式刊出卷:34;期:3页码:101-113
42. 知识分享意愿和隐性知识对组织学习绩效的交互影响 董佳敏;刘人境;严杰;杨晶玉; 管理评论 "2021-02-28卷: 33; 期: 2页码: 153-163
43. 专才还是通才?组织成员知识基础对创新绩效的影响 董佳敏;刘人境; 运筹与管理 "2021-02-25卷: 30; 期: 2页码: 210-217
44. 我国大科学工程协同创新参研人员的网络嵌入性前因机制研究 孙雯;刘人境; 管理学报,"2021-12-01卷: 18; 期: 12页码: 1763-1771
45. “西迁精神”融入医学生医德教育研究 曹卓琳;刘人境;刘宁; 中国医药导报 "2021-11-05卷: 18; 期: 31页码: 71-74
46. 基于区间变量RF算法的青海省电力公司员工离职预测 郑健;刘人境;运筹与管理,2022-09卷:31;期:9页码:210-216
47. 基于元分析的移动医疗持续使用意愿影响因素 李伊;刘人境; 系统管理学报 "2022-06卷:31;期:5页码:893-909
48. 任务冲突对重大科学工程协同创新网络中参研人员结构嵌入性的作用机制:一个链式中介模型 孙雯;刘人境;科技进步与对策,2022-09
49. 一种新风险识别方法在民用飞机高升力系统研制中的应用 安刚;刘人境;殷广强;航空工程进展,2022-05
50. 两个供应商和单个零售商组成的供应链成本信息共享和协调契约研究 刘人境;张琦;工业工程与管理,2021, v.26;No.149(04) 1-10
51. 价格柔性契约下需求依赖价格的供应链策略研究;刘人境;张琦; 工业工程与管理,2021年03期 v.26;No.148 177-184页
52. 田旻,刘人境. 基于改进关键链方法的MRCPSP 的鲁棒性优化[J].系统工程学报,2019, 34(2):277-278.
53. 田旻, 张光军, 刘人境. 粒子群遗传混合算法求解考虑传输时间的FJSP[J].运筹与管理,2019, 28(3):1-11.
54. 田旻, 刘人境. 分层混合遗传算法求解柔性作业车间调度问题[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2017, 22(5):32-39.
55. 张光军,吕佳茵,刘人境,徐青川.大科学工程项目合同共担风险分担模型研究[J/OL].情报杂志:1-7[2018-03-31].
56. 郑健,刘人境,冯亚娟.虚拟品牌社区环境下顾客参与对技术创新绩效的影响——组织学习能力的调节作用[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2018,39(10):82-95(国家自然基金委认定的B类期刊,CSSCI)
57. 郑健,刘人境.基于区间变量RF算法的青海省电力公司员工离职预测[J].运筹与管理,2022,31(9).(国家自然基金委认定的A类,CSSCI).
58. 张光军,董佳敏.基于环境对比分析的国外大科学工程管理实践经验借鉴探讨[J].科技管理研究,2017,37(20):206-210.
59. 张光军,吕佳茵,刘人境.我国大科学工程项目组织管理存在的问题与对策[J].科技进步与对策,2018
60. 王传珂,张光军,徐隆波,赵彦生.美国国家点火项目第三方评价研究及对中国大科学工程的启示[J].科技管理研究,2016,36(18):45-50.
61. 董佳敏,刘人境,张光军.大科学工程组织管理模式对比分析及对我国的启示[J].科技管理研究,2016,36(16):183-188.
62. 集体智慧的内涵及研究综述[J]. 管理学报, 2013, 10(2): 305-312.(国家自然科学基金委认定的B类刊)
63. 企业虚拟社区个体知识贡献行为影响因素研究[J]. 科研管理, 2014, 35(6): 121-128. (国家自然科学基金委认定A类)
64. 社会资本、技术有效性与知识贡献的关系研究——基于企业虚拟社区的实证研究[J]. 管理评论, 2014, 26(12): 10-19. (国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊)
65. 共创价值模式下消费者知识贡献影响因素研究——社区认同的形成及作用[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,(国家自然科学基金委认定的B类期刊)
66. 基于Agent仿真的信息技术评估和选择[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2013, 34(04): 35-43.
67. 自私的领袖能够促进组织成员知识分享[J]. 软科学. 2013, 08:113-117.
68. 隐性知识、个人偏差与信息技术的应用:基于探索和利用计算模型的研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2014, 35(06): 34-44.
69. 社会交互是否能够促进知识分享?[J]. BEAT365唯一官网学报(社会科学版),2014,34(05): 65-71.
70. 基于合作与竞争关系的组织学习研究[J]. 软科学.
71. 集中,分组,分组后集中:探索三种群体结构对群体决策能力的影响[J]. 运筹与管理.
72. 综合类SNS社交网络个人用户持续使用行为的影响因素研究,知识管理论坛,05期,pp 25-37,2013/5/15.
73. 知识心理所有权与隐性知识共享关系研究 ,科技进步与对策, 09期, pp 134-138, 2013/5/10.
74. 知识心理所有权与隐性知识共享关系研究,科技进步与对策, 30(9), pp 134-137, 2013/5. 期刊论文
75. SNS社交网络个人用户持续使用行为的影响因素研究,
软科学, 04期, pp 132-135+140, 2013/4/15.
76. 知识心理所有权与隐性知识共享关系研究 ,科技进步与对策, pp 25-37, 2013/3. 期刊论文
77. 基于随[47] 基于业主视角的多模式项目支付进度问题及其启发式算法,系统工程理论与实践, 02期, 2009/2/15. 期刊论文,EI
78. 动态规划的一类解法及其应用,系统管理学报,05期, 2008/10/10. 期刊论文机活动工期的资源约束项目鲁棒性调度优化,pp 650-659,系统工程理论与实践,2013 Vol. 33 (3): 650-659
79. 基于现金流均衡目标的多模式项目调度问题研究 ,管理工程学报, 02期, pp 124-130, 2011. 期刊论文
80. 不对称企业R&D投资博弈的完美贝叶斯均衡分析 ,科技管理,18期, pp 166-168+183, 2011. 期刊论文
81. 基于不同支付条件的现金流均衡项目调度优化 ,管理科学学报, 08期, pp 75-85, 2011. 期刊论文
82. 基于现金流均衡目标的多模式项目调度问题研究,管理工程学报, 02期, pp 124-130, 2011. 期刊论文
83. 组织文化演变驱动力的实证研究 ,南开管理评论, 04期, pp 50-58, 2011. 期刊论文
84. 基于不同支付条件的现金流均衡项目调度优化,管理科学学报, 08期, pp 75-85, 2011. 期刊论文
85. 不对称企业R&D投资博弈的完美贝叶斯均衡分析,科技管理研究, 18期, pp 166-168+183, 2011.
86. 银行授信约束多模式工期最小化项目进度问题研究.运筹与管理, 06期, 2010/12/25. 期刊论文
87. 基于不同支付规则的MPPSP及其模拟退火与禁忌搜索算法,系统工程理论与实践, 08期, 2010/8/15.
88. 现金流平衡约束下的Max-npv项目调度 ,系统工程理论与实践, 03期, 2009/3/15. 期刊论文,EI
89. 一类动态规划的解法及其在Turbo码解码中的应用,数学的实践与认识, 19期, 2008/10/8. 期刊论文
90. 区域间技术转移的管理研究,管理学报,2006, Vol.3(2),pp.132-134.
91. 内容学派和过程学派在战略变化理论中的比较研究,经济管理,2006.Vol.396(12).pp40-45
92. 基于结构方程(SEM)的城市化水平测度研究,西北大学学报,2007, Vol.27,pp.173-176.
93. 陕西省城市化水平地区差异影响因素灰色关联分析,西北工业大学学报, 2007, Vol.27,NO.2,pp.34-38.
94. 基于生态足迹的城市化研究:以西安为例,陕西师范大学学报,2007, Vol.36,NO.32,pp.103-110.
95. 网络制造环境下任务调度的非合作博弈模型及实现,中国机械工程,2006,Vol.17(8),pp:819-822(EI收录).
96. 基于加工工序的高维多输入层神经网络及应用,系统工程理论与实践,2004,24 (2),pp.63-67.(EI检索).
97. 技术合作的主要方式,《西北大学学报》,2002.Vol.32(2),pp.78-81
98. 一个有效两阶段最优控制问题的算法,北京科技学院学报,2004,第12期,pp.24-29.
99. 跨国公司技术转移双方的合作博弈分析,西北工业大学学报,2002, Vol.4, pp.45-49.
100. 神经网络输出优化在质量控制中的应用, BEAT365唯一官网学报2001,35(4),pp435-437, (EI检索).