1. Differential service and price design for a dating platform
2. UGC, Attention Market and Platforms’ Optimal Subsidy Policy
3. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model
4. Do Monetary Incentives Crowd out UGC Contribution? Evidence from Youtube
5. Second-Degree Price Discrimination on Two-Sided Platforms’ Pricing
6. The applicability of G-S algorithm on dating websites
7. G-S算法在招聘网站的可用性研究
8. 激励的负作用研究
1. Yonghong Sun. Platform Openness: from Reseller to Marketplace. CWEIST2019, 西安, 2019.
2. Yonghong Sun. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model. CWEIST2019, 西安, 2019.http://idsdl.csom.umn.edu/cweist/
3. Yonghong Sun. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model. CSWIM2019, 深圳龙华人工智能与数据科学研究院, 2019.http://2019.cswimworkshop.org/
4. Yong-Hong Sun, Yuewenliu. Does mianzi really matter? CSWIM2014, 成都, 2014.
5. 孙永洪. 二手房交易税的是与非. 《经济学家茶座》2014年第1期.
6. 孙永洪. The effect of taxation on market exchange and social welfare. 中国经济学年会(第13届,成都,2013).http://econ.swufe.edu.cn/jjnh/tz.php?id=31
7. 孙永洪,刘跃文. 经济学家长寿?《经济学家茶座》2012年第4期.
8. 孙永洪. 中国的学术期刊市场=二手车市场?《经济学家茶座》2012年第1期.http://www.cqvip.com/QK/86250X/201201/42101762.html
9. 姜红丙, 孙永洪, 朱南丽,洞见之中必有修辞——作为论辩的方法,BEAT365唯一官网学报,将于2019年第2期刊出.
10. 姜红丙,刘跃文,孙永洪,马建. 论证理论视角下的管理理论构建研究. 管理学报2016年01期。
11. Jian Ma, Wei Xu, Yong-hong Sun, An Ontology-Based Text Mining Method to Cluster Proposals for Research Project Selection, IEEE. Transactions on SMC Part A, vol.42, no.3, pp.784-790, May 2012.
12. Ou Liu, Jun Wang, Jian Ma, Yonghong Sun. An intelligent decision support approach for reviewer assignment in R&D project selection. Computers in Industry, 76 (2016) 1–10.