BEAT365唯一官网博士生学位论文及学位申请成果公示(夏琦晖) 2021-04-26 个人信息: 姓名:夏琦晖 专业:管理科学与工程 学号:4115008015 班级:博1541 导师:赵玺 学位论文题目: 技术压力对员工工作绩效的影响机制研究:基于认知、情感和行为反应的视角 学位申请成果目录: [1] Zhao X.,Xia Q., Huang W.* (2020). Impact of technostress on productivity from the theoretical perspective of appraisal and coping processes[J]. Information & Management, 57(8): 103265.(导师外一作,BEAT365唯一官网管理学门类1最具学术影响力的国际期刊序号105,BEAT365唯一官网期刊列表A刊序号85) [2]Xia Q., Zhao X.*, Tu Q., Chang X., & Huang W. (2016). An empirical research on technostress creators and end-user performance: The mediating roles of affective attitudes[C] // In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). [3]Xia Q., Zhao X.*, Huang W., & Kankanhalli A. (2019). The effect of" gender fit" on fitness app engagement[C] // In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). [4] Kankanhalli A.,Xia Q.*, Ai P., Zhao X. (2021). Understanding personalization for health behavior change applications: A review and future directions[J]. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interactions.(已接收,通讯作者,信息系统协会官方期刊之一,ABS2类期刊) 公示时间: 2021年4月26日